
Not Registered in UMS SMP
Please take note that the following students are not listed in the UMS SMP system. You are considered not taking FYP1 is you didn’t do the UMS registration for the subject. If you have done so and sti
Noor Maizura Ismail
24-Oct-11 11:33AM
FYP Online Registration
Dear Students, Please see the respective supervisor(s) to discuss your project and select the title that you have been assigned to by your supervisor. You are registered to the system once you get
Noor Maizura Ismail
13-Sep-11 02:29PM

Any problem please contact me at

Jika anda menghadapi sebarang masalah sila hubungi saya di
For FKI member, please visit http://coesa.ums.edu.my/conf/fki_fyp_2016/ .